Monday, September 26, 2011

Celtx - Saving and Exporting your script

To save just click on file and then Save Project as and then you can save it wherever you want it to be and name it what you want.

Celtx - Usefull tools

A usefull tool is if you click onto Master Characterlog you can look at all of the characters that are in the script and can add all their deatails onto it.

Celtix - getting started

This is the page that comes up as soon as celtx starts up. It gives you a choice of:
 - Film
 - Audi-visual

Friday, September 23, 2011

Copywight, Health and Saftey - Childrens Drama

"Producers should ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons working with and for them are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. An example of what may be considered reasonably practicable

Code of Practice - Childrens Drama

"The effect of strong language depends on the choice of words, the speaker and the context.  Different words cause different degrees of offence in different communities as well as in different parts of the world.

conventions - Childrens Drama

You would usually expect a child’s drama to have a simple story line, moral to the story and colourful.

Narrative and Characters - Childrens Drama

Most of the episode is based around music, even one of the side stories.
At first it is Sabrina with her two friends and they have decided to compete in battle of the bands at their school but the problem is that they don’t even know how to play there instruments, also the cheerleaders for the school had entered the competition and were very good. When Sabrina realised

Scrypt analysis

The Black Dahlia

The slug line is telling you where the characters in the scene are, whether they are inside or outside, time of day or night. It also tells you where it is I.E residential block, a courtyard, stadium or shops.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

communication skills

Communication skills
·         Discuss the dose and don’ts of presentation and communication skills
·         To describe the different types of questioning
·         To present a debate or discussion
·         To type up note on your blog and continue research on children’s drama

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Childs drama

Types of childs drama:
  • Tracey Beaker
  • shara jane adventures
  • Are you afraid of the dark

Friday, September 9, 2011


Internet saftey
Protecting ourselfs
  • cyber bullying
  • Stealing personal details