Wednesday, June 12, 2013



Target Audience
Taken is a 15 so you wouldn't really expect a lot of swearing or sex or much blood and you don't in this film even though it is suggested a lot along with drugs. As the film is a 15 according to the BBFC any amount of violence is aloud as long as it doesn't focus on inflicting a lot of pain. Sex, drugs, nudity are also all aloud as long as there is not a lot about it and if you don't see to much. Language doesn't really matter as long as it isn't constantly repeated and has a reason for it. 
This film  is for the age of 15+ as it seems suitable for any age, this film never really slown down and has a lot of violence so the target audience is probably males between the age of 15 to 30 as this is the sort of age when men like to go out and are sometimes a little more violent than females and men are more likely to watch action thrillers than females.
Codes of Practice

"We should take care to ensure that individual programmes, or programmes taken together across the schedule, avoid including material that condones or glamorizes violence, dangerous or seriously anti-social behaviour"
This is just saying that any violence should have a reason for it to be shown and that it should not be made to look any nicer that it actually is but as long as it isn't to groosem for younger audiences. In Taken there is a lot of violence but you would expect that as it is an action thriller and as it is a 15 violence is aloud as long as it is not encouraging people to be more violent.

"In post-watershed content, we must be able to justify the frank and realistic portrayal of sex and the exploration of themes and issues which some people might find offensive."
This is saying that as long as it is realistic and cant be seen as offensive then sex can be shown after watershed. As this film is a 15 sex can be shown as long as not a lot of detail is shown, in the film Taken it is suggested that there is a lot of sex but you don't see it and there is no nudity

"Output controllers and programmer or content producers should ensure that strong language, especially the strongest language, is subject to careful consideration and appropriate referral, to ensure it is editorially justified, before it is included in our output"
This is about how some strong language can offend people and that sometimes it cant be shown, as this is a film there is an age that the film is suitable and as it is a 15 strong language is aloud as long as there isnt to much of it and there is reason to why something is said.

"We must balance the need to reflect realistically the range of public attitudes and behavior with the danger of encouraging potentially damaging or illegal behavior"
This is saying that drugs and any illegal substance can be shown as long as it dose not encourage people to try it, especial younger audiences. In Taken there is only the implication of drugs, you only see needle marks in some of the women's arms and see the way there acting as it isn't a normal way to act. It show the negative side to drugs and what they can do.

Looking at the character i have looked at Vladimir Propp’s character types and seen which one fits into what character type.
Bryan Mills is the protagonist in Taken and is obviously the hero as he is the main character who is just trying to save his daughter after she was kidnapped, even thought he didn't have a lot of information to find them and not very long to find her. But he managed to so that is why he fits in the hero character type. Bryan could also be the dispatcher as he is the one who decides to go to France to find Kim. 
In the film Bryan is the father to Kim and has been divorced for a while and was a member of the secret service and has very quick reactions and is a trained killer, so torture and murder is nothing new to him. When he finds out that his daughter is in danger he tries to get her to hide and then gets her to tell them as many details about one of them. When he hears the mans voice he heads over to France to find her and saves her.
Kim even thought she is kidnapped she is also a donner as when she saw the men trying to take her she shouted out what it was one of them looked like so he could at least find one of the men who took her. She is a teenage girl who's parents have split up but she tries to see them both, she goes to France on holiday with her friend just after her birthday as it was a surprise, which soon would be a regret.
Sam is a friend of Bryan's and he is also a donner as he finds one of the men that took Kim using the information she gave. He also tells Bryan and Lenore what Kim had been taken for. There isnt much about him you just know that he is an old friend of Bryan and worked with him when they were in the secret service and was good at finding people.
Amanda i'm not sure what character type Amanda fits as she doesn't seem to do to much in the film and soon she dies. All you know about Amanda is that she is Kim's friend and she doesnt really think about what she is doing which is what leads to her death.
Jean-Claude Could be the false hero as he wanted to help Bryan at first as they were friends and he gives him some information so also can be a donner. But he then send the police after Bryan making him wanted in France. You don't know a lot about him you know that he is a french detective and that he knows Bryan somehow.

Lenore could be the dispatcher as she asks Bryan to get Kim back home safely. She is Kim's mother and Bryan's ex-wife, there relationship isn't to bad but they are only friendly as they have a child together.

Gang of Albanian Men they are obviously the villains in this film as they are the men who are kidnapping and trafficking women. They are the ones who took Kim and Amanda, they also try and stop Bryan from finding Kim. you don't ever know a lot about then you just know that they are the group of people trafficking young women and that they are never stationed at one place as they continue to move around the world.

Codes and Conventions of a thriller
In a thriller you expect it to be fast paced and see a lot of quick cuts. Thrillers always use music or a complete lack of sound to create tension, they need the music to get a reaction from the audience.
The colours you would expect to see in a thriller are dark and dull colours sometimes there are light colours but that is usually in dreams or when everything is calm e.g. the beginning when nothing has happened and the end only of it is a happy ending, they can also use lighting and shadows to help create a dark and moody look.
 You don’t expect to see a lot of violence in a thriller sometimes you only see what has happened after an attack instead of seeing it. You wouldn't expect to see a lot of blood or guts in a thriller as that is something you would expect more in a horror film.
In almost all thrillers you would expect a twist at least once, usually towards the end of the film even though some films have more than one twist. There is always a protagonist and antagonist, usually the protagonist is at mercy of the antagonist.

There is a large variety of shots in the film, they use close up to create tension when the daughter is under the bed so that you cannot see anything around her until she is pulled out of shot, there are long shots used to establish the area and to make the boat that the protagonist Brian is trying to get to, it makes the viewer think that he is not going to make it on time and that is just because of the angle that they use. The shot that is used the most in the film is a mid shot so that you can see just enough of the characters to know what they are doing but you cannot see everything around them which makes you wonder what it is that is going on around them.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Create tittle sequence – all done

Finish pre-production – most of it is done

Create credits – have started it now, not too much to do

Saturday, February 23, 2013

cancer research

Smoking, bodyweight, diet and physical activity

Many cancer cases in the UK are linked to lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol, diet, or being overweight. In the western world, many of us eat too much red and processed meat and not enough fresh fruit and vegetables. This type of diet is known to increase the risk of cancer. Drinking alcohol can also increase the risk of developing some types of cancer. There is more information about this on the page about diet causing cancer.
Sometimes foods or food additives are blamed for directly causing cancer and described as carcinogenic. This is often not really true. Sometimes a food is found to contain a substance that can cause cancer but in such small amounts that we could never eat enough of it to do any harm. And some additives may actually protect us. There is more about food additives in the page about diet causing cancer.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ash research's_association_football

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Brief - Music Video


A brief is when you give instructions to someone or inform them, saying what they have to do for the task that has been set. A brief can either be written down or given verbally to whomever it is that needs the information.

It also gives the deadlines that are set so that they know when the work has to be handed in.  A brief is important because it is the only way that you can inform someone of what it is that you want from them and when.

With a music video a brief could be the times that you need the band or artist for filming and what the storyline is going to be so that they know what is going on in their music video, as after all it is a video that is being produced for them.

The brief does have to follow some laws so that they don’t exploit the band or the artist that has put trust in you. In the brief you would comment on anything inappropriate, in example if a racial comment or remark is in the video or even implied and the band didn’t know anything about it and it is offensive to them then they could sue the maker.

 Also anything incriminating in the video could give the band a bad reputation that they might not have wanted. One opportunity that a brief could present is any of the idea the band have that they can bring forward so that they can have a say in what is in the video. It also helps in organising everyone so that cast and crew know what it is that they are doing and when.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Music Vidoe Refferences


The Video

Live Videos used in the actual video

Where the information was found


The video

Behind the scenes

Where the information was found

We need to have all this information as it can prove to whoever is looking at the work that we did look for the information and also if we needed to look again to change anything then having all the links to help us find all the information we used again. When we were having to find out all about the band and there history we needed to be able to access the information easy so that we could talk about them, without this information there would probably no history to the band in our presentation
It dose also back up any sort of references that we make so that we cannot be accused of making up any information. The only problem with finding the information is that it can be hard to find some information as there isn't always something on the Internet, but overall i am glad that it is so easy to find out the information that i need with very little difficulty and that i am able to show where it is i got the information.

Multi camera

Not Going Out - S3 E2
  • Looks like it could be single camera but a chance that its not. If so there are about 3 cameras
  • I think its filmed over one day at the most 2
  • There is an audience

Weakest Link
  • It is multi camera. I think that there are about 6 cameras
  • There is and audience as you can see them in the back
  • It is done in one day
Jeremy Kyle
  • Definatly multi camera
  • One day filmed
  • definatly an audience
  • around 6 cameras or more